When it comes to implementing authentication on web apps, one solution you’ll definitely hear about first are cookies. Cookie-based authentication uses a server side cookies to authenticate the user on every request. This means that you’ll need to keep a session store, whether it’s on a database or on something like Redis. A solution you’ll… Continue reading Auth with JSON Web Tokens
Tag: api
The Hacker and Designer News Newsletter
After recently building a scraper and web API for The News, I thought it’d be a cool idea to use that data somehow. First thing that came to mind was to build a newsletter. And so The Hacker and Designer News Newsletter was built. Newsletter Every week I’ll send a newsletter with a curated recap… Continue reading The Hacker and Designer News Newsletter
Scraper and Web API for The News
I recently found out about http://thenews.im thanks to @gcollazo. The News is a pretty cool project by ahmetsulek that brings together under one same site LayerVault’s Designer News and Y Combinator’s Hacker News. I decided to take advantage of having all those posts from two different sources together and built a scraper for it with Node.js. Once I had all the posts stored… Continue reading Scraper and Web API for The News